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Vízia & Misia

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20 hodiny dozadu


We're urgently looking for ONE participant. Apply TODAY!ALERT: New cool training course in Portugal 🍍

YOUTHCAP project is for you to promote social cohesion, democracy, and human rights among youth, and nurture a generation of informed and responsible young people who actively contribute to their communities and society! Don't miss your chance to join this incredible opportunity!

🗓️: 14.-21.06.2024
👥: 3 (20-55 years old);
‼️ Deadline: 20.04.2024, selection on rolling basis‼️


To apply, send us your CV (in English) and motivation letter about why you might go to this project at
... Čítaj viacĆítaj menej


Were urgently looking for ONE participant. Apply TODAY!
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🍍 CAUTION: Don`t miss out POLAND🍍

FOLLOW THE LEADER project is for you to get management skills and team-leader abilities so that you can make your dreams come true!

🗓: 14.-21.05.2024
👥: 3 (18+);
‼️ Deadline: ASAP, selection on rolling basis‼️

INFOPACK can be found on our website in section PRÍLEŽITOSTI

To apply, send us your CV (in English) and motivation letter about why you might go to this project at
VERY IMPORTANT: put the project name in subject of your application mail

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Represent YYSK and visit Sicily this May: we are looking for ONE person to join us in Transnational Partners Meeting. The topic is sustainability in youth work and exchange of the best practices while enjoying Messina, Italy.

📍 Messina, Sicily
🗓 14.5.-17.5.2024
👥 1 participant (18+)

If you`re youth worker or a leader don`t hesitate to send us a short motivation and CV to

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🍍Apply for a new Training Course🍍

Experience a training in mentoring based on the Dilts pyramide, which claims that every situation can be viewed from different perspectives and solved on different levels. Learn about Enviroment, Behaviour, Skills and Capabilities, Beliefs, Values, Identity and Purpose during inspiring Training course in Poland.

📍 Northern Poland
🗓️ 5.7.-16.7.2024
👥 2 participants (18+)


Send us your CV (in English) + motivation about why YOU might go to this project at

More info+infopack:

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ALERT: New cool training course in Portugal 🍍

YOUTHCAP project is for you to promote social cohesion, democracy, and human rights among youth, and nurture a generation of informed and responsible young people who actively contribute to their communities and society! Don`t miss your chance to join this incredible opportunity!

🗓️: 14.-21.06.2024
👥: 3 (20-55 years old);
‼️ Deadline: 20.04.2024, selection on rolling basis‼️

INFOPACK can be found on our website in section PRÍLEŽITOSTI

To apply, send us your CV (in English) and motivation letter about why you might go to this project at

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Youth in Balance project is designed for youth from rural areas with less opportunities and takes place is a picturesque town in Portugal.

🗓: 01-05.07.2024
👥: 7 (13 - 18);
‼️ Deadline: ASAP ‼️
Send us your CV (in English) and motivation why YOU might go to this project at
More info about the project:

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🍍 You are an active youngster? Learn about EU in this new project! 🍍
EU2YOUTH project comes back! It wants to make you more informed and interested in being politically engaged in the EU matters, increase their knowledge in decision making process of key EU institutions such as European Parliament. In this way they would be more informed and better motivated and prepared for the EP elections in 2024.

APV: 10.5 - 11.5.2024
YE: 31.5-08.6.2024

👥: 6 (18+) + group leader;
‼️ Deadline: ASAP ‼️
Send us your CV (in English) and motivation why YOU might go to this project at
More info about the project:

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We organised the DYME Multiplier Dissemination Event! 🌟

For the DYME project, we invited participants from all backgrounds to learn and create their digital content.

Here is what we accomplished:
🔹 Digital Storytelling Workshop
🔹 Content Creation Session
🔹 Peer Sharing and Collaboration

A huge thank you to everyone who attended and contributed to the event’s success! 🙌 Stay tuned for more opportunities to be part of the DYME movement and continue spreading positivity! ✨ #DYME #DigitalStorytelling

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🍍Apply for this TRAINING and go to PORTUGAL 🍍
Youth Well-Being project is for you if you want to improve employment opportunities in your region for young people and help tackle social issues (and also if you want to discover Portugal!)
🗓️: 09-13.5.2024
👥: 4 (18+);
‼️ Deadline: ASAP ‼️
Send us your CV (in English) and motivation why YOU might go to this project at

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🍍Discover ROMANIA and learn DIGITAL SKILLS 🍍
DigiO project is for you to expand your knowledge and get new skills in digital work and also to practice your project management skills. Don`t miss your chance!

🗓️: 17-26.5.2024
👥: 2 (18+);
‼️ Deadline: ASAP ‼️
Send us your CV (in English) and motivation why YOU might go to this project at

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🍍THIS project is waiting for YOU 🍍
Shoot for the Future project seeks to teach young workers skills in video creation to improve their chances of employment and for them to become able to help unemployed youth. The project takes place in beautiful distant part of Lithuania.

🗓: 29.04-06.05.2024
👥: 4 (18+);
‼️ Deadline: ASAP ‼️
Send us your CV (in English) and motivation why YOU might go to this project at
More info about the project:

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