Get Inspired
(Youth Exchange)
15-28.11.2022/ Slavic Moldova/ Romania
Organizator of the project: Active Development Association
The project will take place between 15-28.11.2022 in Slanic Moldova, Romania
Taking into consideration the COVID19 pandemic’s effects upon the economy, the project becomes even more relevant for the young people with economic obstacles, especially now in such difficult times for the economy in general, because it successfully develops initiative, creativity, entrepreneurship spirit, and competences (including specific knowledge in the field of entrepreneurial education). Moreover, the project develops learning and development opportunities for the young people, as they will improve their self-trust and self-image, will share their struggles and challenges with other young people and they will feel that they are not alone, they will feel safe, included and part of a group of friends ready to help and support them on long term
Objectives of the course:
(1) To develop initiative, creativity, entrepreneurship spirit, and competencies (including specific knowledge in entrepreneurial education) among 35 young people and group leaders from 7 different countries during a 10-day international youth exchange.
(2) To guide towards entrepreneurship 28 young people, out of which 7 with economic difficulties and 7 NEET, from 7 different countries, through different non-formal and inspirational activities, during the entire project.
(3) To equip 28 young people, out of which 14 with self-trust issues caused by the fewer opportunities they are facing daily, with the self-knowledge, self-trust and the (social) entrepreneurial values they need in order to start a (social) business, during a 10 days international youth exchange.
(4) To promote (social) entrepreneurship, self-employment, and professional development opportunities among 160 NEET young people (or) with economic difficulties as a tool for overcoming their few opportunities statuses, during the project’s follow-up activities.
Working language: English
Number of participants: 28
Participating countries: Romania, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Greece, Malta, Turkey and Spain
Partcipant requirements:
5 participants + 1 goup leader
Participants profile
Age - between 16 and 25 years old),
The participants are pupils, students, or part of the NEET category, all interested in the project’s topics, motivated to participate in the youth exchange by the learning process, and open to getting involved in the dissemination and follow-up activities.
Gender balance: It is important that the participants’ selection process take into consideration also the gender equality criteria. It is recommended that your group be composed of two girls and two boys.
All participants (including group leaders) must be vaccinated against COVID-19 with a complete vaccination scheme or to hold proof that they had COVID-19 in the last six months.
Important info:
Accommodation, meals, and the program throughout the project are fully reimbursed according to the rules of the Erasmus + program through the project organizer.
Travel costs will be reimbursed to the participant for up to 180€.
Each participant is individually responsible for the planning and implementation of the trip. Extremely important: The participant is obliged to keep the travel document to and from the destination and hand it over / send it to the project organizer according to his instructions.
Reimbursement of travel costs will only be done upon full attendance of the program and presentation of all original (+return tickets) tickets, receipts, invoices, and boarding passes.
Insurance: Travel insurance is NOT paid by the participants or subsequently reimbursed. Each participant is obliged to take out health insurance, which is valid in Romania.
How to apply for the project?
Send us your CV (in English) + motivation about why YOU should go to this project at
INFOPACK can be found [pdf-embedder url="" title="HERE!!!"]
Deadline to apply: 30.9.2022
The project is financially supported by the Erasmus + program.