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After I earned my bachelor’s degree in classical languages, I longed to throw all dictionaries away and I decided to go abroad for one year.

I found the sense in volunteering during my studies and when I engaged in theatre performances. Although I did these activities only occasionally and in my native country, it paved the way for me to see the beauty and diversity of all the things around us.

This motivated me to step outside of my comfort zone and travel somewhere:

1. alone, 2. immediately, 3. for a few months.

My dream came true thanks to European Voluntary Service and Erasmus+ programme. I worked as a volunteer for the first time in Gori, Georgia in 2015.

I worked mainly with children and for an organisation which supported solidarity of local communities in the areas affected by war of 2008. I led English classes using methods of non-formal education in a close village and I also visited disabled children in the social centre in Gori. Not only was it highly beneficial for me but also I realized that non-formal education can have a huge impact on the activity of youth in regions. In YouthfullyYours SR, I want to support youth activity in Slovakia by means of non-formal education.

Due to my experience I believe that to see, accept, and enjoy the diversity of people and places means to see life itself and enjoy it.