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Values, Ideas and Stories from Youth ON stage – VISYON

is a 24-month long Erasmus+ KA3 European Youth Together project that aims to encourage youth’s social and civic engagement and ensure that young people have the necessary resources to participate fully in society.

The project is based on the 11 European Youth Goals (EYG) and designed to support the implementation of the EU Youth Strategy (2019-2027) by focusing on its three main areas of action: Engage, Connect, and Empower.

Target Groups

Young People (15-29 years)

64-80 young participants, members of the local groups (8-10 yp per partner country)

Target: approx. 30% participants with fewer opportunities

Youth Workers

24 youth workers (3 per partner)

Role as mentors in a long-term process of collaboration among the youth group members

Partner Organizations

Collaborative management system adopted by VISYON

Various Stakeholders

Youth organizations, CSOs, youth leaders, education professionals, community workers, youth services etc, working directly with the other target groups

Find out more about Visyon here-

See project activites together with the trailer HERE.


This project is supported by the Erasmus+ program.