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It all started in high school. I joined the debating club because I had a crush on a school mate of mine, and I stayed because of the amazing community I have found. That became a huge part of what motivated me to grow and seek new experiences. With time the youth group around me expanded. From a school club to the western region, eventually the whole Slovakia. From a certain point the balance between how much I am gaining from others and how much I could give back changed. Around that time I started my university studies at Jagiellonian University in Krakow and my whole community world was suddenly too far away. I joined Youthfully Yours for two reasons: I feel the need to support young Slovaks on their journey to self-discovery ( and I happen to believe that Erasmus+ projects are a huge part of this journey) and also, again after a long time, I feel as if I am part of a community which can teach me as much as I can give back. With Youthfully Yours I am simply never bored!