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Inclusive Neighborhoods: Transforming Communities

Inclusive Neighborhoods: Transorming Communities

This Erasmus has been a very enriching experience for me. The theme of this training coursewas "how to build the right community". A very timeless topic. Every day we talked aboutwhat a community actually is, what a community should look like, what can cause a community to fall apart and so on. Gradually each day I came to understand what we as a society are doing wrong and what aspects need to be improved. At the same time, I discovered how little open I am to new possibilities and new people. Even though I thought of myself as , a pretty tolerant person, I now know that it is possible to be even more so. Anotherthing I really liked about Erasmus was that everyone's opinion was accepted. This taught menot to be afraid to express my agreement/disagreement on a topic and at the same time I learned to accept the other side as well. The program was rich and varied and there was also a city tour , or personal free time during which we also relaxed. The food was fine as well as the accommodation. We also had the opportunity to taste traditional Polish dishes, which I was very glad for.  In my opinion the best event was the "Open café" , when we got to knowother international students.  Thanks to this event I made contacts for life and I strongly believe that I will meet some of the Erasmus participants again.

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Inclusive Neighborhoods: Transforming Communities

(Training Course)



Build and improve your community!


(Training Course)

19.08. - 25.08.2023

Rzeszów, Poland

Project organizator: INPRO Rzeszów

The Training Course will take place between 19. and 25.8.2023 in Rzeszów, Poland.


The project aim: This program is designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to foster local networks and relationships among various stakeholders in your community.


Objectives of the project:

- delve into the importance of community building,

- understand the concept of ‘community’

- uncover specific strategies to engage young people and foster unity

- provide exposure to successful examples and practical insights into effective strategies


Working language: English

 Participant requirements:

  • 18+ years old (no more than 30)
  • youth workers and/or young activists
  • Strong motivation and willingness to learn and share about the topic;
  • Able  to carry out the  dissemination  actions  after  the Youth Exchange
  • Good command of the English language;


Important info:

Accommodation, meals, and the program throughout the project are fully reimbursed according to the rules of the Erasmus + program through the project organizer.

Travel costs will be reimbursed to the participant for up to 180(210€ - green travel, using only sustainable ways of transport).

The participants are invited to use the cheapest means of transportation.

Each participant is individually responsible for the planning and implementation of the trip.

Extremely important: The participant must keep the travel document to and from the destination and hand it over / send it to the project organizer according to his instructions. Also, every participant is obliged to get an approval from the coordinator before purchasing the tickets.

Insurance: Travel insurance is NOT paid by the organisation or subsequently reimbursed. Each participant must take out health insurance, which is valid in Poland. 

How to apply for the project?

Send us your CV (in English) + motivation about why YOU should go to this project at

INFO PACK can be found here: [pdf-embedder url="" title="Inclusive Neighborhoods Transforming Communities - Infopack"]

Deadline: as soon as possible, but no later than 21.7.2023


Hits: 278