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VISYON's 5th Press Release


Every participating country has been assigned to one of the European Youth Goals to prepare one short movie about it, which will be filmed in their respective countries.

Two additional scripts based on European Youth Goals #5 “Mental Health and Wellbeing” and #9 “Space and Participation for All” were created during the Youth Mobility in Athens and have already been shot. The rest of the movies will be shot in the participating countries with a professional movie agency, Tanino Films from Italy, and will take place between February and August 2024. Five participating countries, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, Slovakia, and Netherlands have already filmed their shootings From the 24th until the 26th of February, the Greek team together with the team of Tanino Films brought to life the script focusing on the EU Youth Goal #8 “Quality Learning”. With the guidance of Tanino’s Team, the local Greek group was able to capture captivating scenes and collaborate with local talents and as a result, every moment on set was filled with creativity and passion.

One of the Greek group members shared her experience during the shootings: “VISYON was a unique project and my first experience of the filmmaking process. I had the chance to meet creative people from all over the world, exchange ideas, and collaborate with them.” – Vasiliki. During April FECE and Monomyths carried out their shootings in Sofia and Urlati, with lots of fun and no big issues. We will be sharing pictures and videos about their experience in our main, and partners’ social media accounts.

From the 9th until the 11th of May, the Slovak team had the opportunity to shoot the movie based on EU Youth Goal #3 “Inclusive Societies”. And yEUth from the Netherlands just finished their shooting in the last days of May. We are eager to hear their testimonies.

In the upcoming month, the two last countries, Malta and Spain will have a chance to record a movie based on the scripts they wrote. And from the end of August 2024, the 11 VISYON short movies will become available for all! STAY TUNED!

For more information about the VISYON project, please visit

About the VISYON Project:

The VISYON (Values, Ideas, and Stories from Youth ON stage) project, funded by the Erasmus+ program, brings together youth organizations from eight European countries. The project focuses on empowering young Europeans to engage, express themselves, and support the implementation of the EU Youth Strategy (2019-2027) through an innovative approach—creating short movies.

Find out more about Visyon here-

See project activites together with the trailer HERE.