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Social City - follow up

Riga = Social city

15th of February/ Riga/ Latvia/

Open Sense a Non-governmental organization from Riga – Latvia, dealing with social inequalities, promoting youth active participation in society and international activities in the context of non-formal education, raising awareness about social inclusion, gender equality & outdoor leadership, conducted one day non-formal education workshop in high school - Rīgas 13. vidusskola in Latvian as follow up session for project Social City (Slovakia December 2017)

Activity was facilitated by Zane Reinfelde and Madara Neilande former participants of Training Social City. 10 local students aged 15 – 18 were presented with energizers activities, they discussed how public spaces can be used in creative way - being meeting points for youth and promote social inclusion of marginalized people. Students were asked to identify the urban issues first and encouraged to propose solutions afterwards. The final outcome was the social campaign and exhibition performed on the ground of school.

Projekt je finančne podporený programom Erasmus +

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