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Project coordinator, social media

I always enjoyed working with people, taking part in different activities that dealt with all topics- from quantum physics to political science. My time to shine came in May 2021, when I first discovered the possibilities of Youthfully Yours and during a boring, pandemic quarantine, I decided to get involved in one of their local activities.  Their ability to teach non-formally about things immediately fascinated me. Enthusiasm on the topic of „youth participation“ quickly spread among the young group of people who participated in the project and naturally, as a big volunteer myself, I liked the idea of the activity. I decided to find out more about it. Over time, I’ve found that Youthfully Yours does similar activities of the same nature and, in fact, the whole organisation tries to involve the youth to participate in various voluntary activities.  The activity in May opened the door to the world of volunteering for me. It was something I was missing in my heart… I stayed in touch with a few people from the organisation, and when the phrase „Saška, when will you finally join us?“ was said, I knew that I should apply.  And why is it even great to volunteer? Because life is not boring when you volunteer. And in Youthfully Yours, life not only isn’t boring, but I can also improve my communication and work skills here.