
Since ever I have felt that my nature is very adventurous and that the world itself offers too much not to take advantage of it. Beginning with my university studies back home, I knew that I would like to hold study experience from abroad. At that point, Erasmus offers at my university department were poor in choice, and even if some existed, the demand was huge and older grade students got privileged referring to limited places. This hassle no longer attracted me and I also clearly remember that for a while I considered Erasmus to be just a program for people at university level who are interested in exchange stay abroad. However, my life opened my eyes when I ended up volunteering at the office of the European Union in France, and spreading its various options, from internships to youth exchanges towards youngsters became my enjoyable daily routine. Yet, my “abroad life” had begun a way much before. The rebellious times came right after my accomplished Bachelor when I had left to England and then Scotland, where I worked and studied for over three years and had the opportunity to know people and cultures from all over the world. And this has become contagious to me, and I still suffer from this diagnosis of endless travels, learning and exchanging experiences with other enthusiasts of adventure and life.
I have only engaged in one long-term project and one training within Erasmus +so far, but both were fairly enough to realize that I found myself in work with young people, whom I enjoy mentoring how to enrich young years of theirs with lifetime memories, new friends and also how to develop their own potential. And this is precisely what we do in our office at Youthfully Yours SR, we introduce you the possibilities that ultimately become transferred into unforgettable adventures! 😉