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March 2022, a group of 5 participants leaves Slovakia and later catches a flight from Paris, which is about to last 9 hours. When the group gets off the plane, they are immediately struck by 30 degrees Celsius heat. The day before, some of them had seen the snow and had to use warm clothes to avoid freezing on the way to catch the train. Maybe you think that it must have been a great feeling. In reality, it was even better. 😊

Project about entrepreneurship does not happen in the Caribbean very often. Even if one happens to appear, it is often seen more like a ‘free holiday’. However, this was not a holiday. We had a program. We had a lot of it. And it was amazing. The high-quality project prepared by Coconut Work was further improved by an amazing facilitator Gabi, who did not leave us bored for even one minute. In the morning we started with energizing activities on the beach and later we had a lot of workshops and brainstorms that were devoted to entrepreneurship, local businesses and the pursuit of a greener future in these industries.

Guadeloupe was a bit of a cultural shock for many. One could only hear French everywhere and speaking with locals in English was almost impossible. Never mind, it happens. At least it was fun. The interesting lives of locals made us wonder every time when we had a chance to see their daily routines while walking through the city during our break time in between activities. We were staying in a town called Le Moule a similar size to Trebisov, but with palms and a beach (but without a manor house and Tesco). It was situated along the coast so there was no shortage of beautiful sunset/sunrise walks, quite ideal. We were really jet-lagged, so we managed to see the sun in its all shapes and colours throughout the day. You know, it is good to wake up at 5 am. Or not even to sleep at all, that also happened. But you know, this is what Erasmus is also about.

If you want to experience something new, you want to see the world, meet new people from all around the world (literally from all around the world, we got friends from Guadeloupe, how cool is that?) and most importantly get better in the area of your interest with the help of non-formal education, find the project that interests you and apply for it. You will not regret it! In Guadeloupe, there was one girl that participated in her first Erasmus in summer 2021 (July) and until March 2022 she managed to participate in 16 of them. She became addicted. It really is that amazing, and also there is no need to pay for anything 😉 So do not hesitate, the world is waiting for you!!

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