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Back in February I spent unforgettable 10 days in Romania. The reason for that was my participation in an Erasmus training course “Theater Tools for…

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Become a part of Youthfully Yours SK family, increase your competences and participate in our activities! Do you consider yourself an ambitious and competent person, or would you like to become…

Design Thinking Academy

A week-long training course in Albenga, Italy served as an introduction to the topic of Design Thinking. Creative, iterative and innovative – that would be my description of the process our team went through during the first week of October.   Process consists of five stages: Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype, Test. Each one became a unique challenge to five people from different walks of life, countries and experience.   #youthfullyyours#coconutwork#erasmusplus#ysuplus#youthexchange @coconutwork We picked the topic of Promoting Green Travel and came up with a solution improving the ecological experience while traveling and exploring any city or destination.     Our solution would contribute to raising awareness, creating impact for local communities and helping to create a more sustainable lifestyle.                Hence, the key action topics of Erasmus+ program for upcoming years were merged within this vision: environmental protection and fight against climate change and digital transformation as well as civic engagement.