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Mental Health Key Resource For Resourse

In March, we two Slovak women took part in a beautiful project hosted by @permaculturacantabria. The training course was held in the seemingly small town of Penagos in the Cantabria region. The focus of this project was mental health and dance. During the day, we had the opportunity to try for ourselves how various activities such as dance, meditation, and yoga can affect our mental health. As much as it was rewarding and serious, on the other hand it was relaxed, sometimes even extra fun. We had the opportunity to meet great people from other countries who are dedicated to this topic either professionally or are interested in the topic personally. The organizers prepared an amazing program for us, took great care of our tummies, and the beautiful nature that surrounded us only contributed to our well-being. I wish everyone to at least once experience such a powerful experience of connecting on a personal level with people who were total strangers to me a few days ago.

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