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Youth Workers 4 Human Rights

From 27 March 2023 till 3 April 2023, our Slovak team has participated in an Erasmus+ training course “Youth Workers 4 Human Rights” in Bansko, Bulgaria.

The participants on the project were 20 youth workers and proactive young people from Germany, Serbia, Slovakia, Romania, Italy, Spain, Cyprus. The focus of the project was investing in the capacity of youth workers, enhancing the understanding of human rights, developing skills for promoting human rights and promoting intercultural dialogue and understanding.

We consider this program to be a valuable experience for us. Not only did it help us to improve our communication skills and public speaking, but also helped to deepen our knowledge in terms of human rights, minorities and hate speech against them. Furthermore, it enabled us to meet wonderful people from all around the world, get to know their culture and gain new perspective on various topics. We greatly appreciate this opportunity and hope to use the new-gained knowledge and skills in our future.

Both, the Erasmus+ organizers and trainers and the representatives of Youthfully Yours SK organization provided us with all the necessary information, were always willing to help and made everything easier for us.


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