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Development of Creative and Critical Skills for Youth Workers in Latvia

To be honest, we didn´t expect much from a project in Latvia. Mainly because it was focused on creative thinking, in which we had not been particularly interested or developed before. In addition, we weren't sure what a small Latvian town could give us. The preconception turned out to be wrong and we are very happy it did.

The project in this city has given us a lot. Whether it's experience or practical knowledge. The speakers of the project were great people who talked engagingly. From Henrik we learned a lot about human values ​​and communication among people. Ieva stimulated the creative side in us again. Thanks to Erasmus +, we have definitely become more active citizens.

At the same time, we would like to mention that if someone fears joining Erasmus + program because of organizational doubts, they really have nothing to be afraid about. The organization in Latvia was great. Food, accommodation, and everything else. Although be aware of the Latvian diet which is a bit dry. As for the Slovak organization, our coordinator Miška contacted us regularly during the project which we appreciated a lot.

In conclusion, we would like to add that if you hesitate over Erasmus, do not hesitate. For us, we definitely recommend going to a country you have never been to before in your life. Especially to a project that expands your comfort zone. After all, our goals were met. We got to know a great group of people and gained new knowledge we would otherwise not get a chance to gain.

So don't wait any more minutes and sign up.

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