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Your Celebration is My Celebration- Siirt, Turecko

The project Your celebration is my celebration was for me very interesting. I found out a lot of new perspective of living through people from different countries. We were talking a lot about our traditions, believes and our culture. High light of program was for me culture night, it´s a shame that it was just for one night but it was magic. We were dancing traditional dances, singing traditional songs from each countries. I have to say that organization of the project was not the best but people who was there. I just fell in love with them and I think I am able to say that some friendship we will keep alive.

Projekt Your Celebration is My Celebration bol pre mňa veľmi zaujímavý. Prostredníctvom ľudí z rôznych krajín som zistil veľa nových pohľadov na život. Veľa sme sa rozprávali o našich tradíciách, viere a našej kultúre. Vrcholom programu bola pre mňa kultúrna noc, škoda, že to bolo len na jednu noc, ale bolo to čarovné. Tancovali sme tradičné tance, spievali tradičné piesne z jednotlivých krajín. Musím povedať, že organizácia projektu nebola najlepšia, ale ľudia, ktorí tam boli. Práve som sa do nich zamiloval a myslím, že som schopný povedať, že nejaké priateľstvo si udržíme nažive.

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