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Romano Drom

The Erasmus + project, in which we had the opportunity to participate started in a pleasant and friendly atmosphere. Through various activities, we got to know the other participants better which made it much easier for us to work together. After a few days, it really felt like a family.

The next days were full of presentations. We learned basic information about Roma culture such as: flag, anthem, history. We made other presentations ourselves, representing the Slovak Roma culture. Other countries had to do the same task, so that together we could enrich ourselves with the latest "news" from our countries. We believe the activities and the little time we had to prepare for each presentation helped us to improve our public speaking skills a lot!

Towards the end of our project, we also went out into the field to really get to know the Roma minority and the area they live in. They welcomed us into their homes and told us about their current situation. We especially enjoyed the experience with Roma kids, some of them even shocked us with fluent English.

The project was, of course, conducted in English, so we trained it well. We learnt some new vocabulary even in different languages spoken by people on the project.

The experience taught us a lot and most importantly, for the 9 days in Slovenia we had the opportunity to feel like a part of a minority we would actually never be. We really enjoyed the trip and it enriched us not only in English and presentation skills, but we got to know interesting facts about the different cultures, too.

As a Slovak team, we want to thank Youthfully Yours SK for the opportunity to get informally educated and have the time of our lives during the whole duration of the Romano Drom project in Slovenia

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