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Wake up Europe!

Hodoš. Krásne, pokojné a tiché mestečko v Slovinsku. Miesto, kde sa stretli nielen ľudia z rôznych kútov Slovenska, ale aj Európy. Štyria Slováci, ľudia z Portugalska, Rumunska, Litvy, Slovinska, Maďarska a Estónska tu spolu boli na projekte Wake up Europe a každý deň sa zobúdzali do nového dobrodružstva. 

Od 22.7. do 31.7. sme sa snažili viac otvoriť naše oči a zobudiť povedomie o aktuálnej problematike Európy. Prostredníctvom zaujímavých aktivít, workshopov a diskusií sme prehĺbili svoje vedomosti o diskriminácii, životnom prostredí, imigrantoch, LGBTQ komunite, ... Popri teoretickom vzdelávaní sme zažili veľa aj na vlastnej koži. Prvým centrom, ktoré sme navštívili bolo centrum pre bezdomovcov. Vďaka tejto návšteve sme sa dozvedeli viac o bežnom dni členov a práci zamestnancov. Druhým centrom bol domov dôchodcov, kde sme so starčekmi strávili pekné doobedie. Taktiež sme mohli nakuknúť do rómskej dedinky v blízkosti Murskej Soboty. Videli sme skutočných ľudí na skutočných miestach. 

Okrem vzdelávania sme však zažili aj mnoho iného. Vďaka kultúrnym večerom sme sa mohli premiestniť do krajín ostatných účastníkov a vidieť aspoň kúsok z ich tradícií. Prestávky medzi workshopmi boli plné hier a zábavy a večery zas patrili kľudným rozhovorom. 

Celý projekt sa niesol v príjemnej atmosfére a určite naň nikdy nezabudneme. Nikto by ani nečakal, že 10 dní ubehne tak rýchlo. 

Hits: 167

Wake up Europe!

(Youth Exchange)


Have you heard about enviromental protection?


/22.-31.7. 2022/MURSKA SOBOTA (HODOŠ)/ Slovenia

Organizátor projektu: Društvo Kreativne Mladine

The youth exchange will take place between the 22nd of July and the 31th of July 2022 in MURSKA SOBOTA (HODOŠ), Slovenia.

As part of a one-year project, we want to spread tolerance towards different minorities, bring young people closer to volunteering, to touch on the issues of inclusion of the LGBTQ+ community, the Roma community, the elderly population, homeless people, migrants, refugees, talk about racial discrimination, religious discrimination, sex discrimination and cultural diversity. We will include environmental protection in the use of everyday tasks and try to use green travel as much as possible. By getting to know vulnerable groups and through work actions, we want to spread tolerance towards minorities. By carrying out past projects, we have gained the experience that work actions and the direct involvement of young people are very useful for acquiring competences, experience and developing self-confidence and self-esteem of young people.

Working language: English

Number of participants in the project: 42

Participating countries: Portugal, Romania, Slovaka, Lithuania, Slovenia, Poland, Hungary, Estonia. 

Partcipant requirements:

  • aged 16-30;
  • English level (at least A2 level of speaking and writing);
  • Committed to contribute to the follow up of the project;
  • Gender Balance have to be followed as much as possible (3 participants + 1 group leader);
  • Be interested in developing competences and implement follow-up initiatives;
  • Be aware of the characteristics of the learning environment (non-formal education)

Ljubljana | History, Facts, & Points of Interest | Britannica

Important info:

Accommodation, meals, and the program throughout the project are fully reimbursed according to the rules of the Erasmus + program through the project organizer.

Travel costs will be reimbursed to the participant for up to 180€.

Each participant is individually responsible for the planning and implementation of the trip. Extremely important: The participant is obliged to keep the travel document to and from the destination and hand it over / send it to the project organizer according to his instructions.

Insurance: Travel insurance is NOT paid by the participants or subsequently reimbursed. Each participant is obliged to take out health insurance, which is valid in Slovenia.

How to apply for the project?

Send us your CV (in English) + motivation about why YOU should go to this project at

INFOPACK can be found HERE!!!

Deadline to apply: 1.6.2022

The project is financially supported by the Erasmus + program.


Hits: 610