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We Radio 2.0

Dostať sa do Modice bolo celkom náročné, keďže sme všetci prvýkrát cestovali do cudziny na vlastnú päsť. Keďže sme však štyria, bolo oveľa jednoduchšie ísť/obísť letisko alebo chytiť autobus z Catanie do Modice. Počas zdĺhavej cesty autobusom sme obdivovali fascinujúce výhľady na sicílsku krajinu a malebné mestečká. Aj keď cesta trvala hodiny, zdalo sa mi to ako minúty. Po príchode nás všetkých milo prekvapilo ubytovanie a pohostinnosť organizátorov. Akékoľvek negatívne emócie, s ktorými sme sa stretli po dlhom lete a ďalšie komplikácie, boli okamžite preč.

Počas prvých dní sme sa zoznamovali s každým, s kým sme na projekte spolupracovali. Stretnutie s ľuďmi z iných kultúr prinieslo mnohé kultúrne šoky, napríklad čas talianskej „siesty“. Skúšať novú kuchyňu, učiť sa nové slová v iných jazykoch alebo len oceniť prítomnosť miestnej architektúry – to je len malá ukážka toho, čo sa tu dalo robiť a obdivovať. Okrem toho sme sa dozvedeli viac o projektoch Erasmus ako celku a aké vedomosti získame po absolvovaní kurzu.

Trochu vystrašení sme ponorili nohy do vôd webového rádia. Naučili sme sa používať vybavenie, softvérovú aj hardvérovú časť. Po niekoľkých pokusoch sme nakoniec všetko zvládli sami. Po úspešnom prvom uvedení naživo prišiel hlavný bod projektu – vlastne vysielanie. Bola to nová výzva, pretože sme museli hovoriť v inom jazyku, ako je náš, ale nakoniec sme si všetci užili náš pobyt a môžeme súhlasiť s tým, že čas bol dobre strávený.

Hits: 253

WE Radio 2.0

(Training Course)


Do you know how to use web radio as a young person? It is time to learn!


14.-25.11.2022/ Modica/ Italy

Organizator of the project: Associazione Attiva-Mente

The project will take place in Modica, Italy and will last 9 days +2 travel days, from November 14th to November 25th.

WE Radio 2.0 aims to empower young people, increase their social engagement, contribute to life-long learning and selfestablishment of young people, involving young people and youth workers with fewer opportunities. During the project, we will learn how to create a participatory broadcast that encourages youth involvement, discovers new forms of participation and promotes youth entrepreneurship in a form of web radio. As a result, organisations and youth workers will be able to help young people establish their own web radio which they will run without the mediation of adults. The radio will be entirely created by young people who will decide on topics, formats, editorial lines and contents.

Project aims:

  • increase the quality of youth work by presenting a new, more participatory approach
  • encourage organisations to set up their participatory web radio
  • improve outside communication of partner organisations
  • increase the aggregation, group participation and expression of young people based on their shared interests
  • contribute to the sense of entrepreneurship and creativity of young people
  • support youth to influence their community, helping them become protagonists of change
  • Open the world of youth working to people who may experience social exclusion, providing them a way to matter into society

Working language: English

Number of participants: 35

Participating countries: Italy, Romania, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Portugal and Greece

Partcipant requirements:

4 participants 

Participants profile

Age: 18+

The participants are pupils, students, or part of the NEET category, all interested in the project’s topics, motivated to participate in the youth exchange by the learning process, and open to getting involved in the dissemination and follow-up activities. 

Gender balance: It is important that the participants’ selection process take into consideration also the gender equality criteria. It is recommended that your group be composed of two girls and two boys. 

All participants (including group leaders) must be vaccinated against COVID-19 with a complete vaccination scheme or to hold proof that they had COVID-19 in the last six months. 

Free Man listening to music on city street Stock Photo

Important info:

Accommodation, meals, and the program throughout the project are fully reimbursed according to the rules of the Erasmus + program through the project organizer.

Travel costs will be reimbursed to the participant for up to 275€.

Each participant is individually responsible for the planning and implementation of the trip. Extremely important: The participant is obliged to keep the travel document to and from the destination and hand it over / send it to the project organizer according to his instructions.

Reimbursement of travel costs will only be done upon full attendance of the program and presentation of all original (+return tickets) tickets, receipts, invoices, and boarding passes. 

Insurance: Travel insurance is NOT paid by the participants or subsequently reimbursed. Each participant is obliged to take out health insurance, which is valid in Italy.

How to apply for the project?

Send us your CV (in English) + motivation about why YOU should go to this project at

INFOPACK can be found [pdf-embedder url="" title="[Definitive] We Radio 2.0"]

Deadline to apply: 20.10.2022

The project is financially supported by the Erasmus + program.


Hits: 431