Európsky zbor solidarity v Taliansku: Vicenza - Youth Center (Dobrovoľníctvo)
/Október 2020 - 9 mesiacov /Vicenza/Taliansko
Hosting organization? Studio Progetto Cooperativa Sociale
Where? Vicenza, Italy
When? Starting from October 2020 for 9 months
The volunteer will be engaged for 30-32 hours per week in 2 services of the Municipality of Vicenza for youth information, innovation and training.
The Youth Information Centre of Vicenza works in the fields of youth information and youngsters involvement for the development of their active citizenship. It offers guidance about training and education, placement, mobility and volunteering activities, stimulating the participation of young people to social life. The daily activities consist of organizing of paper and digital information and promoting events and training activities about guidance, mobility, volunteering, learning and training opportunities, that often take place also in the high schools of Vicenza.
POLO GIOVANI B55 is the place of innovation, professional training and new professions, with lot of spaces and rooms for lessons, workshops, training courses and so on. It is also the place of coordinating desks of “Progetto Giovani Vicenza”, that includes the 4 different services managed by “Il Mosaico”: Youth Information Office, Polo Giovani B55 and 2 Youth Centers.
Link (Facebook): @ProGioVi – @InformagiovaniVicenza - @Bcinquantacinque
Instagram: @progettogiovanivicenza
The main purpose of all the 4 services is to prevent social hardship, school leaving and youth unemployment by giving information and increasing awareness about opportunities at the local and international level, but also about personal skills and potentialities, empowering young people to face the challenges they will run into and improving their individual and informal groups skills through participatory activities.
The volunteer will be involved in the following activities
- Public relation - front office, mostly spreading information to young people about the opportunities offered by Erasmus+ Program
- Work with students in high schools (meetings, infodesk during schooltime...) giving basic information about Volunteering Projects and other opportunities (job, voluntarism, youth participation, etc.), but also about EU and European institutions
- Events organization
- Promotion and communication activities
- Support the staff in their daily work
- Rooms arrangement
- Involvement in European projects (i.e. youth exchanges)
The volunteer will have the opportunity to gain social competences, but also in the field of communication and project-management. He/she will be actively involved in online and local promotion of the different activities run by all the 4 centers of Progetto Giovani Vicenza.
Besides, volunteer, in cooperation with the other European volunteers, will be involved in additional activities and their tasks will be:
- Participate in linguistic exchanges called “tandem”: with young people that are in Vicenza to study or work as interns, we successfully organize conversation groups or linguistic one-to-one exchanges in many languages, like French, German, Spanish, Chinese, English. Volunteers will be actively involved.
- Non-formal training session with all the volunteers hosted by “Studio Progetto”.
- Promote meeting and activities with the volunteers hosted by other organization in Vicenza.
The team you will work with is composed by education professionals, youth workers, trainers, psychologists, project managers. These professionals are well known at the local level and gained years of relevant experience in the field of children and youth education and information.
Currently, there is also a volunteer from Armenia that is more engaged in two Youth Centers of the city. The 2 volunteers in Vicenza will run some activities together and will have the opportunity to propose ideas using their formal/non formal competences. They will cooperate with the team to conceive and manage weekly activities, giving support to promote and plan them, participating to team meetings with the other youth workers of the structure they work in and the coordinator.
They will also have the possibility to take a special time with the tutors to think and develop new projects and ideas for the young people and children of Vicenza, plan events and activities that will be open to the whole local community and create with young people concrete tools that will be useful to Vicenza Youth Project (i.e. videos or promotion materials).
- age between 18-30
- interested in youth issues
- willing to get involved in communicating with young people
- team spirit
- responsible, creative, curious, open-minded
- good competences in using computer, internet, social networks: communicative, graphic and promotional competences and abilities will be positively valued
Stiahni si infopack a dozvieš sa viac! Alebo klikni sem a dočítaj sa viac: Youth Center
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Nezabúdaj, že projektov Európskeho zboru solidarity sa môže zúčastniť každý vo veku od 18 do 30 rokov.
Deadline na prihlásenie: 13.9.2020
Projekt je finančne podporený programom Európsky zbor solidarity.