Up 2 You(th)! Local Workshop: "Living Library - the World of Youth NGO & Volunteering"

Hello Youth Workers!
We're thrilled to share the results of an inspiring workshop titled "Living Library - the World of Youth NGO & Volunteering." This initiative, part of the "Up 2 You(th)!" project, aimed to ignite a passion for community involvement among the youth of Košice, Slovakia.

Who Participated?
On June 14th, 2023, young minds aged 16-19 from high schools in Košice gathered for two sessions of engaging activities. The workshop gathered 19 participants in the morning and 46 in the afternoon, focusing on those facing socioeconomic challenges.
Objectives and Learning Outcomes
With this workshop, we wanted to increase young individuals' awareness of the importance of volunteering in their communities and the roles and activities of local NGOs and youth organizations. We aimed to motivate their active involvement and showcase the benefits of participating in such groups.

The Workshop in Action
Facilitated by Alexandra Ivasenkova, Ieva Fridmane, and Ivan Rosa, the workshop used a "Living Library" format. This interactive setup allowed participants to engage in small groups with 'live books' – individuals sharing real-life experiences in volunteering and NGO activities.
Through these conversations, our young participants gained insights into the volunteering world, learned about various NGOs and youth organizations, and understood how their involvement could lead to personal growth and community development.
Key Learnings and Takeaways
The workshop's primary achievement was the notable increase in youth motivation in joining and understanding NGO work. Participants left with a strengthened awareness of the opportunities and benefits of volunteering and engagement in youth organizations.
Recommendations for Local Authorities
- Enhance Access to Youth-Focused Workshops: Encourage and support similar initiatives to reach a wider youth audience.
- Strengthen Collaboration with Schools: Integrate such workshops into school curriculums or as extracurricular activities, focusing on inclusive participation.
- Facilitate Networking Opportunities: Create platforms for youth to connect with local NGOs and community groups.
- Promote Awareness of European Solidarity Corps and Erasmus+: Actively inform young people about international volunteering and non-formal education opportunities available through programs like the European Solidarity Corps and Erasmus+.
- Ensure Sustainability of Initiatives: Collaborate with NGOs and other stakeholders to create a sustainable model for these workshops, ensuring they continue to benefit young people beyond the initial project timeline.
Promote Peer-to-Peer Learning: Recognize and utilize the power of peer-to-peer learning methods, as they have proven effective in engaging young participants and making complex topics more relatable and understandable.

The "Living Library" workshop in Košice increased interest and knowledge among the youth about volunteering, non-formal education youth activities and NGO involvement. It showcased the power of Peer-to-Peer Learning and the importance of supporting young people in their journey towards active community participation.
Click here to dive deeper into the "Living Library" workshop details and outcomes.
The Project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 2020-2-SK02-KA205-002569