Up 2 You(th)! Local Workshop: "The Dialogue with the Municipality"

Hello Youth Workers and Youth Leaders!
We're excited to share insights from a local workshop titled "The Dialogue with the Municipality," part of the "Up 2 You(th)!" initiative. Through this workshop, we tried to bridge the gap between young individuals and local governance.
The workshop took place at the Košice Self-governing region premises in Košice, Slovakia, on June 9, 2023, engaging 24 young, politically curious minds from youth parliaments. Its core aim was to foster a meaningful dialogue between these young participants and municipal representatives, elevating the level of youth political participation and understanding.

Who Participated?
Our participants were high school students aged 16-19, interested in politics and active citizenship. They were representing youth parliaments from 4 prestigious grammar schools in Košice - Šrobarova, Poštová, GT12 and Alejová.
From the end of the municipality representatives, we involved:
- Vice-president of the regional government, KSK - Ladislav Lorinc,
- Mayor of Košice district - Myslava - František Beer,
- MP of the Regional Government and Košice City - Peter Berinšter

Crafting the Workshop
The workshop was led by Ivan Rosa, a SALTO TOY registered trainer, who created a space for inclusive and thoughtful discussions. Participants were prepped to engage constructively with local authorities, diving deep into the nuances of youth political participation.
Key Learning Objectives
Our young participants explored the motivations that drive young politicians and municipality representatives to public service. They unravelled the complexities of local governance and brainstormed solutions to enhance youth political engagement. The workshop helped us to explore the barriers to youth political participation on the local level. It gave a space for proactive discussions on increasing political engagement among young people from the Košice region.
Key Findings and Recommendations
An important outcome of this workshop is a set of recommendations for local authorities:
- Regular Youth Dialogue Platforms: Establishing consistent meetings for young people to interact with local politicians.
- Educational Initiatives: Implementing programs in schools to deepen understanding of local governance and political processes.
- Empowerment and Transparency: Empowering youth through mentorship, training, and transparent communication about the impact of political decisions on the local community.
- Inclusive Decision-Making: Actively including youth opinions in local policy-making and council meetings.

Impact on Participants
Participants left with a deepened understanding of political processes and an increased interest in civic engagement. The workshop successfully created a platform for open dialogue, leading to a deeper trust in local politics and a reinforced desire among young people to participate actively in local political processes.
Moving Forward
Our initiative doesn't end here! We aim to keep this conversation alive and encourage youth workers, educators, and local authorities to embrace and implement these strategies. Let's work together to ensure our youth are heard and instrumental in shaping their communities.
Stay tuned for more updates and resources from "Up 2 You(th)!"
Click here to access the full "Dialogue with the Municipality" workshop report and recommendations.
The Project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 2020-2-SK02-KA205-002569