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Idea 4U

The life of a businessman is much harder than it might seem. During the training course IDEA4U in Athens, Greece in November 2019, our Slovak team was part of a simulated process of becoming an entrepreneur in the social field.

In the beginning, we used our creativity to dive into the field of entrepreneurship. For example in small groups, we prepared role plays that have shown particular entrepreneurial situations. In the next days, we set up several teams where we solved social issues that our society is facing. All of us came up with innovative solutions: food waste can be reduced by using an app that monitors the food in the fridge, young people will find a job in their field of interests after doing an internship in their dream company, and many more.

Part of the project was a visit to the start-up incubator EGG where mainly Greek entrepreneurs develop their beginning businesses. This motivated us to think outside the box and made us realize how unique each of the start-ups is. Thanks to the project IDEA 4U participants got inspired by the field of social entrepreneurship.

If you want to feel the awesome atmosphere of this youth exchange, click HERE and check the short video out of it.

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