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Living my best

Although this was my first Erasmus trip I feel like I can confidently speak on behalf of the group and say that we thoroughly enjoyed getting to know each other and the culture of the country we were visiting. The organizers were extremely kind, helpful and hospitable to us at all times. The project has been a fulfilling experience and is definitely something we will remember with a smile. The carnival, the gastronomic night and the planned activities and amazing people certainly made the trip worth our while.  

The workshops we did everyday were following the theme of the project, which was social inclusion. This was also my first encounter with non-formal education and I was impressed how people from different backgrounds and nations were able to come together and create something beautiful. Personally, I really liked the workshop, where groups of participants had to paint the meaning of friendship.

We also did other sessions, where we discussed several words regarding inclusion, discrimination etc.; we had to create an image of inclusion/exclusion with our bodies; we played the game “Musical chairs”, but only the chairs were removed, the number of players remained and we had to improvise so nobody would be left out. Of course we had a full schedule and all the workshops had one goal – to improve our creativity, to expand our perception about social inclusion and to help us make new friends from around the world. All goals were reached and all in all it was an unforgettable opportunity and I will cherish it forever. 

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