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Enviropreneurs Generation

Ostrov Flores, ktorý sa nachádza v súostroví Azory, ako súčasť globálnej siete biosférických rezervácií UNESCO, organizoval minulý týždeň prvú mládežnícku výmenu. Projekt vytvorila organizácia Coconutwork.

Projekt spája myšlienku trvalo udržateľného rozvoja a možnosť trvalo udržateľného využívania životného prostredia ako zdroja pre mládežnícke podniky vo vidieckych oblastiach. Jedným z cieľov bolo propagovať nápady pre mladých ľudí na zakladanie ekologických podnikov v miestnych komunitách.

Prvé dni sme sa spoznávali hraním hier s menami. Dostali sme tiež predstavu o cieľoch mládežníckej výmeny, harmonograme a očakávaniach účastníkov. Najdôležitejšou aktivitou bolo, keď boli účastníci poučení o aktivitách v oblasti dizajnu. Simulujúc problém v reálnom svete, začali uvažovať o riešení pomocou niekoľkých metód. Jednou z úloh bolo vytvoriť „smart village“ a zároveň vyriešiť problém mesta. Pracovali sme v skupinách, diskutovali, premýšľali a brainstormovali. Počas jedného dňa mali možnosť navštíviť novovybudovaný inkubátor pre podnikateľov na ostrove Flores. Dozvedeli sme sa o ich obchodných stratégiách a príležitostiach pre podnikateľov. Mali sme tiež možnosť mať workshop, kde sme boli poučení o možnostiach, ktoré Európska únia ponúka, a mali sme možnosť sa prihlásiť. Vo večerných hodinách zaujala miesto kultúrna noc. Spojením všetkých krajín do malého „kultúrneho mestečka“ sme mali príležitosť preskúmať jedlo a kultúru každého súčasne.

A samozrejme návšteva krás tohto ostrova bola nevyhnutnosťou. Počas študijného pobytu sme videli najvýznamnejšie turistické miesta v okolí ostrova, ako sú viaceré vodopády či jazerá. Tropická fauna a flóra boli ohromujúce a množstvo endemitov je neuveriteľné.


Hits: 111

EnviroPreneurs Generation

(Youth Exchange)


Let's design think about our environmnet!


24.9-2.10.2022/ Flores Island/ Portugalia

Organizator of the project: Coconutwork

The youth exchange will take place between 24.9-2.10.2022 on Flores Island in Portugalia.

The project relates the idea for sustainable development and the possibility of sustainably using the environment as a resource for youth enterprises in rural areas. It promotes ideas for young people to establish environment-based enterprises in local communities such as eco-tourism; bio-agriculture and community development projects.Hence, for NEETs in rural areas and beyond, it will generate an understanding of how to use their environment as a source of employability and innovation

Objectives of the course:

  • Gather NEETs representing different realities in a creative space allowing them to innovate and generate entrepreneurial ideas tailored to meet the needs of their rural communities and/or solving environmental challenges. This will give birth to 7 ready business plans which participants will develop throughout the youth exchange duration.
  • Showcase in-depth examplеs of inspiring and successful rural and environmental businessesto inspire thе participating youth such as eco-tourism; bio-agriculture and community developmеnt projects.
  • Raise awareness on the need to foster an inclusive, human-centred rural and global-central environmental entrepreneurship.
  • Еngage thе participants through leading online campaigns aiming to showcase good practices in regards to ecological habits, and breaking the prejudices regarding rural lifе, togethеr with the promotion of the solutions they have developed as business plans

Working language: English

Number of participants: 34

Participating countries: Greece, Slovakia, Portugal, Luxembourg, Lithuania, Italy, Serbia and Sweden

Partcipant requirements:

4 participants + 1 goup leader

Participants profile

  • Young aged between 18-25 years.
  • To have basic English skills.
  • To be available to participate throughout the project.
  • To have an increased interest in self-development, and reflection on the topic of protecting the environment
  • To have an increased interest in knowing other nations 
  • Cheerful, sociable person.
  • To have the ability to be involved in disseminating project results at the end of the activities.

Group leader

  • Adult, over 18 years old.
  • Advanced English skills.
  • To have experience in youth exchanges,  to have participated as a group leader in at least 3 projects.
  • To have experience in working with young people, eventually a youth worker.
  • Good negotiator, and mediator to manage any situations that may arise.
  • Intercultural communication skills.
  • Team spirit.
  • To   have   skills in coordination,   planning, and organization
  • To be a positive person.
  • To have strategic thinking aimed at obtaining results.

The group of each country will be obligated to conduct dissemination events for other young people in their city/town, within 2 months at the end of the youth exchange.

Important info:

Accommodation, meals, and the program throughout the project are fully reimbursed according to the rules of the Erasmus + program through the project organizer.

Each participant is individually responsible for the planning and implementation of the trip. Extremely important: The participant is obliged to keep the travel document to and from the destination and hand it over / send it to the project organizer according to his instructions.

Reimbursement of travel costs will only be done upon full attendance of the program and presentation of all original (+return tickets) tickets, receipts, invoices, and boarding passes. 

Insurance: Travel insurance is NOT paid by the participants or subsequently reimbursed. Each participant is obliged to take out health insurance, which is valid in Portugal.

How to apply for the project?

Send us your CV (in English) + motivation about why YOU should go to this project at

INFOPACK can be found HERE!!!

Deadline to apply: ASAP

The project is financially supported by the Erasmus + program.


Hits: 469