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'50+30' remember

Youthfully Yours SK is partnering up with nine other organisations for a ‘50+30‘ project (supported by Europe for citizens), which aims to reflect on the current state and empowering of remembrance of youth in Europe. Its name comes from the temporality of the project- it focuses on two recent points in European history which are still a living source of trauma, extremism but also national pride and democracy in many European countries- the beginning of Second World War and the 1989 democratic revolutions taking place in then-communist Eastern bloc. We see it as our responsibility to work with youth for which these events are slowly fading away from their awareness and bring the problematic back into the youth discourse. Activities will take place on three levels: European, national and local 

European level 

  • kick off meeting in Nice, France 
  • seminar on human rights & remembrance in Berlin, Germany 
  • final conference in Bucharest, Romania 

National level 

  • a survey on youth remembrance and their perception of WW2 and the democratic revolutions of 1989 (minimum of 200 respondents) 
  • social media posts on the key dates and events from the last 80 years of European history (for more follow @5030remember on instagram)  

Local level 

  • an interactive memory walk organized in the chosen city (Košice) to embrace interest in these historical events & their remembrance 
  • dissemination of the projects outcomes to the community 


With these actions we want to raise awareness on the key events of the European past, for Youthfully Yours SK with a special emphasis on national history of Slovakia and the lively history of the last 80 years and events such as the Velvet revolution. Via the memory walks we also wish to show young people that remembrance is not only important, but can also be attractive, educational and enjoyable.  

We realize that todays political situation in Europe is marked by populism and extremism and the 50+30 project aspires to counter balance these tendencies by innovating the remembrance process and bringing the youth back into the public discourse on memory.  

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