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MIRROR Non Formal Education and Graphic Tools to Raise Awareness on Diversity and Anti-Racisms

On 4th of march, we participated in a training course “Mirror”. Project took a place in a lovely village of Passignano sul Trasimeno, (Umbria region) right next to the lake of Trasimeno.The whole project consists of more parts, first was our training course, where the aim was to develop graphic tools and raise awareness on diversity and anti racism. Second, will beupcoming youth exchange, where we were invited to help and use  our developed graphic tool!

Even tho getting to Passignano was quite a challenge, we managed to get to the train station from where our organizers drove us to the beautiful farm of La Buona Terra and our journey began. First few days were filled with meeting new people and diving more into the topic of diversity and anti racism. Day 1 was all about team building activities, where we had the opportunity to get to know the people, we were about to spend next 7 days with. The next days we talked more about migration, stereotypes, prejudices and intercultural learning. Once we got more familiar with these topics, we took matters into our hands and started with training in action. Our aim was to develop a tool to raise awareness about sub-topic of our own choose, and even tho it was sometimes difficult, we did an amazing job! On the day of departure, we weren’t able to stop ourselves from crying.

This Erasmus gave us a lot of things to think about. It opened bunch of doors for us and gave us a inside into what its like being a facilitator. We will be forever grateful for the people that we were able to meet and for the community we created.


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