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I’d like to say a few words about this great experience which Erasmus+ arranged for us. In the beginning of march, me and my recently gained friends, we got a chance to participate in a project about the perception of being Europeans, which took place in a small cosy town in Croatia. I am 100% sure that I speak for all my Slovak participants when I say, it was a life – changing experience, which motivated us to apply for another E+ project right away after this one ended and also to be more active in useful way and to learn more and more every day. I reckon, that this description is quite general, because I dare say that every single E+ could get a person addicted to a progress very easily.

But why is this one worth to be cried up even more? Because in this project, we’ve met literally with the best people from Romania, Macedonia, Turkey, Spain and Croatia! And I don’t exaggerate. We totally suited each other. And therefore the workshops, presentations, brainstorming and other important tasks during the project were so much easier and funnier. In this project, we found out that learning is much more effective while sharing ideas with inspirational people and to be motivated to have your own opinion. We’ve also learned a lot about how different cultures feel to be Europeans (or how do feel those, who are not members of EU). We’ve been also confirmed, that we are very grateful for being Europeans.

At last but not least, we appreciate the beautiful town Samobor near to the city of Zagreb in which project took place and also our great coordinators and facilitators to be such supportive and inspirational friends of ours throughout the whole project.

In summary, our Slovak team is truly grateful for this incredible opportunity and we have one more advice for you. Go for it and try E+! You will never regret it! And always remember: You cannot get to know yourself enough until you start to get to know people all around you, because ŠHÉRING IS KÉRING!!!

Terézia Kiabová

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