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This training course definitely helped me to learn a lot about my strengths and about my abilities.

TC Act Non-Formal Vol.2\ Training course\ Germany

One of the best projects I’ve ever been to, happened just a few days ago in Osteholz-Scharmbeck (a village close to Bremen in Germany). The aim of this training course was to broaden our horizons in terms of drama in non-formal education and to show us the ways to lead a workshop or a whole project on our own. I can claim that they succeeded.

Since the very first day were the trainers – Maria & Mohammed friends-like to us. Everyday schedule included 6 hours of activities, which were perfectly organized and had a very smooth and natural progress. We were focusing on Theatre of oppressed and we took it from different perspectives. Dealing with games that revealed our creativity, we went through expressing ourselves in “image making” theatre, in improvisation, in creating small scenes and in Forum theatre. At the 5th day we had the activity called The Arrival, which is definitely worth googling and I recommend it to everyone, since this activity took us all by heart.

I have never thought of myself to be as creative as I showed up to be. This training course definitely helped me to learn a lot about my strengths and about my abilities. I got to know many amazing, interesting and funny people, who I hope to stay in touch with and to meet again. It also encouraged me to create something by myself, so that I have started thinking about writing my own Erasmus+ project and I have already stated the date for my workshop that will be completely inspired by this course.

One of the best things was actually the fact, that it wasn’t a theatre as one imagines, but it was just a natural behaviour by which could every one of us show his thoughts and oppressions on a stage. What surprised me is that this kind of theatre has such a wide use, that it can be applied on any topic e.g. on environment.

To sum up my feelings after this experience, I highly recommend attending training courses and also drama related projects - one learns there a lot about himself. I enjoyed also the food and the accommodation, since we were “isolated” in the house of hosting organisation. I think it made it feel very intimate and easy to be in the moment, for what I’m very grateful. Natur Kultur is the organisation, where to apply, when you want to experience an impactful project.t J I was there thanks to Youthfully Yours and also thanks to them my time on project went without any difficulties!  I surely recommend.
