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Tento vzdelávací kurz Erasmus+ bol niečo jedinečné! Mysleli sme si, že sa stratíme v téme Rural-all. No nemohli sme sa však viac mýliť. Organizátori odviedli úžasnú prácu pri tvorbe workshopov, na ktorých sme sa naučili veľa nových vecí a zároveň sme sa ich aktívne zúčastnili. Diskutovali sme o problémoch v našich vidieckych oblastiach, ale aj v španielskych, bulharských, gréckych, talianskych, rumunských a poľských vidieckych oblastiach. Celá skupina spolupracovala s cieľom pochopiť každý problém. Najlepším spôsobom, ako zvládnuť tento druh vecí, je naučiť sa poskytovať informácie vyučovaním. 

Mnohí členovia skupiny mali predchádzajúci kontakt s vyučovaním, avšak nie profesionálnym spôsobom. Aby sme si začali rozumieť, museli sme si definovať formy vyučovania – formálnu, neformálnu a informálnu. Potom by sme mohli pokračovať konkrétnymi krokmi, ktoré zahŕňali – názov aktivity/téma, ciele vzdelávania, počet účastníkov, popis aktivity, potrebné zdroje, vyhodnotenie aktivity. Nakoniec sme si urobili vlastný workshop, ktorý využíval neformálne vzdelávanie. Prezentovali sme a dostali spätnú väzbu od skupiny, ktorá by mohla . 

Voľný deň sme cestovali na Drakulov hrad – hrad Bran. Bolo úžasné vidieť rumunskú kultúru, ako sú ich folklórne bytosti a tiež ich história. Pokračovali sme v meste Brašov. Má krásne historické centrum, ktoré sme mohli sledovať z veží vedľa mesta. 

Program bol plný užitočných informácií, ktoré môžeme využiť v každodennom živote. Získali sme nových priateľov, spomienky a zážitky! 

Hits: 146


(Training course)


Let's get to know the specific challenges young people face in rural areas!


/20-27.4.2023/Brasov/ Romania

Project organizator: A4ACTION

The training course will take place between the 20th of April as a travel day and the 27th of April 2023 as a travel day. The training course will take place in Brasov, Romania.

This project aims to equip youth workers with the competences required for working with young people in rural areas and to increase their participation.

Objectives of the course:

  • Understanding of the specific challenges and opportunities facing young people in rural areas.
  • Familiarity with relevant EU policies and programs that support youth development in rural areas.
  • Knowledge of effective youth outreach, engagement and participation strategies.
  • Planning and project management skills to design and implement youth-centered activities and initiatives.
  • Interact with and work alongside youth experts of different nationalities and cultures.
  • Improve their knowledge about their country of residency and about the other countries involved in the project.

Working language: English

Number of participants: 24

Participating countries: Poland, Portugal, Romania, Italy, Spain, Greece, Bulgaria, Slovakia

Partcipant requirements:

  • Youth workers (with fewer opportunities in priority).
  • Preferably professionally or voluntarily engaged in youth work and youth projects.
  • Interested and willing to actively engage in working on the topic.
  •  Over 18 years old.

Important info:

Accommodation, meals, and the program throughout the project are fully reimbursed according to the rules of the Erasmus + program through the project organizer.

Travel costs will be reimbursed to the participant for up to 275€.

Each participant is individually responsible for the planning and implementation of the trip. Extremely important: The participant must keep the travel document to and from the destination and hand it over / send it to the project organizer according to his instructions.

Insurance: Travel insurance is NOT paid by the participants or subsequently reimbursed. Each participant must take out health insurance, which is valid in Romania.

How to apply for the project?

Send us your CV (in English) + motivation about why YOU should go to this project at

INFOPACK can be found [pdf-embedder url="" title="HERE!!!"]

Deadline to apply: ASAP

The project is financially supported by the Erasmus + program.


Hits: 274