Empowering Youth Voices: Insights from the Up 2 You(th)! Focus Groups
At the heart of community progress lies its youth. Recognising this, the Up 2 You(th)! project conducted focus groups to amplify young voices from Armenia, North Macedonia, and Slovakia.

A Collective Echo of Youth Aspirations
The focus group discussions were a key part of our efforts to better understand the barriers and challenges of youth participation in local communities.

Scope and Diversity of Perspectives
Engaging 80 youths in Armenia, and 30 each in North Macedonia and Slovakia, we touched upon the diverse spectrum of young minds and unravelled the common threads that bind their experiences across geographic and cultural divides.
Participants, aged 15-26, brought plenty of insights, helping us to understand the realities of their local communities and their environment for civic and political engagement.
Navigating the Discussion Landscape
Through organised focus groups in cooperation with local youth organisations, the dialogue spanned a variety of relevant topics.

Our reports summarize these discussions, clarifying the shared challenges, individual struggles, and young people's recommendations.
Click to Access the Treasure Trove of Insights:

A Synthesis for Action
The refined knowledge from these focus groups is more than just a compilation of views. It's a call to action for youth workers, a strategic input for policymakers, and a reflection for the communities.
Looking Ahead with a Youth-Centric Lens
In conclusion, the Up 2 You(th)! Focus groups emphasise the importance of youth engagement in their communities. By harnessing the insights gathered, we can design interventions that not only speak to young people but also listen to them.
The Project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 2020-2-SK02-KA205-002569