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You(th) decide I.

On 30.5.2019 Youthfully Yours SK with RMKK organisation and RCM Košice organized the first part of an educational program You(th) Decide!, focusing on strengthening the civic engagement and participation among youngsters from the countries of V4. By using methods of non-formal education, we managed to create a safe space for discussion, opinion and experience sharing among the young participants, representatives of academic senates, school councils, youth parliaments, NGOs and municipality officials. Together we found the definitions of civic engagement and youth participation. We discussed their forms, shared associations that we connect with these terms and different perspectives, from which we can understand these topics. Thanks to the creative methods we looked closer at our personal motivation and the support amongst young people. We spoke about personal stories of participation and gained inspiration along with plenty of opportunities, in which we can take part in our cities. Representatives of organisations and municipality were, as they told us, again reassured, that Košice still has active youngsters, and all that is needed is more attention and support.
The end of the meeting was focused on identifying the needs of young people from Košice as well as the factors which affect and could possibly strengthen the interest in social issues. On the next meeting on 19.6, we will take a closer look at specific issues of youth and on the levels of participation based on the R. Hart theory. Through ‘living books’ we will introduce several NGOs from Košice along with their activities for young people. Last but not least, we will identify the issues of youth in Košice and suggest possible solutions. We would like to thank RCM Košice for letting us use their beautiful spaces, Jakub Szepesgyorský, the leader of Change Yourself, Marián Švekuš as the representative of RMKK and Slavomír Bucher, the employee of the Municipal office of Košice for his personal attendance and experience he shared with us. The activities were facilitated by Ivan Rosa from Youthfully Yours SK.
The educational program You(th) Decide is financially supported by the Visegrad Fund, under the patronage of the Košice municipal district, the mayor of Ryglice disctict (Poland), and the mayor.  The activities are developed simultaneously in 4 countries of V4 in partnership with..


The activities are developed simultaneously in 4 countries of V4 in partnership with..

Ryglice Community - The Municipal Youth Council of Ryglice
Association of Agrarian and Rural Youth Circles of Jász-Nagykun Szolnok County
European Youth Centre Břeclav z. s.
Youthfully Yours SK

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