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You(th) decide II.

On 19.06.2019, despite high temperatures, the educational activities of You(th) Decide! focusing on civic participation among youngsters from V4 countries continued. After a short debriefing of the former activities and meeting new participants- members of academic senates, school councils and representatives of the third sector, we dived deeper into the issue of civic engagement. Together we climbed the ladder of participation of Rogger Hart. We identified the steps of participation that we perceive in our organisations or communities and discussed the level of youth activity in the city of Košice.

In the second part of the meeting we identified the most pressing problems that youngsters from Košice experience. This already challenging task was even more difficult since we had to share our perspective firstly in pairs, then in small teams and lastly as a whole group, seeking a common ground about the actual issues and the level of importance they should receive. A passionate discussion showed us, that we often share the same opinion, yet use different expressions and words to communicate it. We also realized, that it is harder to come to an agreement once pressured by a time limit, and how important it is to let the silent members of the group speak. Each activity, despite being linked primarily to the topic which brought us here in the first place, also helped better our presentation capabilities. We practiced our argumentation skills, persuasion and aforementioned finding of the common stance. During the next session on 27.6., we plan to introduce 4 identified issues to the city and its representatives, as well as to other so-called important adults and invite them to find a common solution.

The educational program You(th) Decide is financially supported by the Visegrad Fund, under the patronage of the Košice municipal district, and the mayor of Ryglice (Poland).


The activities are developed simultaneously in 4 countries of V4 in partnership with..

Ryglice Community - The Municipal Youth Council of Ryglice
Association of Agrarian and Rural Youth Circles of Jász-Nagykun Szolnok County
European Youth Centre Břeclav z. s.
Youthfully Yours SK

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