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Digi wiev photography creation

From August, 29th till September, 7th I attended a project "Digi View" in Skoder, Albania. The main aim of the project was extending participants´ digital competencies in work with young people. The whole programme consisted of sessions which were divided into theoretical and practical parts. 

Actually,  I didn´t know a lot about photography before I attended this project. But during the first sessions, I learnt basic information about photography which I could develop further in the next activities. A couple of tasks were given to us in which we were supposed to take artistic photos somewhere in the city with application of the information we learnt. Afterwards, everyone had to present and describe his own photo and clarify why he took this photo. 

This workshop inspired me to concentrate on details that are very important in photography. Furthermore, you can take a great photo of an ordinary thing, such as a book, when you use a good angle, work with the ambient light, or just seize the right moment. Indeed, as a quote says, you don´t take a photo, you make it.  

Another task was trying to create the Erasmus project by ourselves in international groups where the topic "photography" had to be involved. As we had to create the activities connected to the topic, it not only enhanced my style of thinking but also helped me to understand the different opinions. 

Last but not least, the conversations with so many kind people from different socioeconomic backgrounds was truly irreplaceable. In my opinion, the talks with the people and building new friendships was the best part of the project.

If you want to experience yourself what I wrote about, just sign up for the Erasmus+ project because there are no ifs ands or buts that it can substantially influence your life in a good way.  


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