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Model Europan Union

Model European Union in Athens, Greece, was something unique for me. The model lasted only for five days, but I gained here a lot of new skills, information, emotions, and last but not least, new friendships for my whole life.

This project was beneficial for my further professional and personal life. I gained a lot of new experiences about the European Union and its institutions. In the model, I was a member of the simulated European Parliament, so I tried how to amend proposals by European Commission and find a compromise with other factions in the EP. Still, also I improved my skills in a foreign language – English, and skills in public speaking. I found these new skills essential for my future life. The model European Union consisted of the European Parliament, European Commission, European Court of Justice, Council of the European Union, and journalist. So now I know about the EU complexity and how institutions work together.

The project wasn’t beneficial only in a professional way. In this project, I met many interesting people around the world. I had a chance to speak with Americans, Germans, Ukrainians, Moldavians, Georgians, Italians, Spaniards, and so on. In discussions with the other cultures, I could find many interesting differences and something that connected us. I had several interesting talks with Americans about their politics and their new outside view of the European Union. I found that Americans sense Europe as something different, even “exotic.” On the other hand, we did not talk only about European Union and politics. We also talked about our cultures, traditions, youth social life, and basic things like clothes, music, favorite films, etc. On the fifth last day, we had a free day, so I went sightseeing in Athens with my new friends. We visited Acropolis, Ancient Agora, Hadrian’s library, and a beach and port in Athens.

Na záver možno povedať, že Modelová Európska únia bola pre moju budúcnosť prínosom po všetkých stránkach. Dozvedel som sa o Európskej únii, ale vyskúšal som si aj mechanizmy Európskeho parlamentu. Získal som množstvo nových celosvetových priateľstiev a skúseností, preto sa teším na nasledujúci Model Európskej únie.

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