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You(th) decide - final conference - participant's opinion - Patrycja / ENG

On 12th September 2019 we came to Bistuszowa for a youth meeting from Poland, Hungary, Slovakia and Czech Republic. The final event was named similarly as all local meetings developed in our communities: “You(th) decide”.

We started our meeting with lunch. And after that we came to the conference room where we started first lessons. We played games to get to know each other. E.g. we figured out three sentences and two of them were right, one – false. Then, everybody tried to guess which one is incorrect. We also defined “youth participation”. Our project visited Paweł Augustyn – mayor of Ryglice commune. After that we could meet another autorithy – the mayor of Ustrzyki Dolne.
The next part of our meeting was creating a erb of our society.
We could eat some sweeties, drink coffee or tea during the coffee break.

After that, we started preparations for the next day conference. Each of us got one task to do. E.g. we prepared presentations, questions for interviews and we took some photos.
I think the first day of project was very intense and satisfing, in cause of everyone of us got new knowledge about involving youth in local issues, and met people from another countries. We also had really good time together and we ended the meeting with tasty barbecue. 

On 13th day of September at 10 am we started the most important part of the project – conference in Pałac pod Dębami in Zalasowa. It was named “You(TH) decide!” again. The amount of participants was more than 100, which includes authorities like mayor of Ryglice commune – Paweł Augustyn, secretary of the commune – Seweryn Gutkowski, vice-mayor of Tuchów commune – Wiktor Chrzanowski and heads of our schools.
The meeting has started with Seweryn Gustkowski speech, which has introduced a topic of the conference and then we could listen some words from mayor of the commune. Then, we could see a presentation about Ustrzyki Dolne. The next step of our meeting was participants’ speeches and presentations. People from Czech Republic, Hungary , Slovakia and Poland talked about themselves, their experience from local meetings, their practice with youth participation. They encourage youth in audiance to involve actively in local life.

The next stage of the meeting was break when everyone could eat something or drink some tea or coffee.

After the break 4 representatives from each country shared their reflections about youth life and their involving in local activities.
We ended the meeting with lunch, when everybody could taste polish snacks and dishes like dumplings with mushrooms, pancakes with cheese or jam.

After the conference we met again in Bistuszowa to end up our project. We shared our reflections and thoughts about that meetings and we said goodbye to everybody.

That was really short time when we could be together, but all of us think that for sure it wasn’t a waste of time! 

You(th) Decide was supported and co-funded by the International Visegrad Fund, under the patronage of the president of Košice Self-governing Region and the mayor of Ryglice.

The activities were developed simultaneously in 4 countries of V4 in partnership with..

Ryglice Community – The Municipal Youth Council of Ryglice
Association of Agrarian and Rural Youth Circles of Jász-Nagykun Szolnok County
European Youth Centre Břeclav z. s.
Youthfully Yours SK

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