Last Sunday, the Canido civic center became a Tower of Babel in which the young participants in an Erasmus + through Xeración met. They came together to celebrate World Environment Day. In the late afternoon, the young people from Italy, France, Portugal, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Georgia, Estonia, Hungary, Greece, Belgium, Romania, Croatia and the Netherlands presented green entrepreneurship proposals and initiatives. It was the way to end a day that started at eleven in the morning with activities in the Plaza de Armas and a tourgreen around the city. Also with a cleaning raid through the Canido neighborhood, as well as a recycling workshop at the Casa da Xuventude. The Canido civic center hosted the lunch which was attended by all the participants. They also worked on the creation of a mural with the famous phrase of The Little Prince that says: "Only with the Heart can one see well, what is essential is invisible to the eyes." A phrase that invites reflection and understanding that we must look beyond appearances, to value things for what they really are, and not for what they seem.