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Safe Spaces where Youth can find Balance

For a week the village of Penagos became a safe place for 31 participants from different countries. Many came looking for strategies to manage stress, communicate better, process their emotions. We also wanted to meet new people, their views on the world and to get to know different cultures. We experienced this especially during the intercultural night. 

The place was perfect for slowing down and realizing ourselves and the amazing people around us. Every day we were accompanied by the sight of happy cows. The education was excellently balanced. After a comprehensible theory, we started practicing it. We tried many activities in groups or pairs. For example, falling into someone else's hands, being led blindfolded and perceived by other senses than sight. We practiced active listening in such a way that in the first round one of the pair was as inattentive to the partner as possible, and in the second he paid full attention to him. We realized how much difference it makes to be there for another. 

Každý o sebe prezradil toľko koľko potreboval, všetci sme sa rešpektovali a nikto nebol do ničoho nútený. Celý týždeň zbehol veľmi rýchlo. Zistili sme mnoho zaujímavosti o našom mozgu, ako telo reaguje na podnety ako stres, smútok, šťastie. Naučili sme sa ako počúvať jeho signály a ako ich spracovať. Okrem toho o čom sme sa prišli vzdelávať, sme si odniesli aj vzácne priateľstvá. Ďakujeme Youthfully Yours za neopísateľný zážitok.