On the 12th of June 2023, Youthfully Yours SK participated in the regional conference on recognising the benefits of non-formal education and youth work. The…
Youth workers are instrumental in bridging the chasm between youth and community engagement. But to construct this bridge, we first need the right tools and…
During our Waste HERO youth exchange, our aim and objective were to raise awareness about environmental protection, sustainability and waste reduction. We aimed to do…
A Collective Echo of Youth Aspirations The focus group discussions were a key part of our efforts to better understand the barriers and challenges of…
In early November, our participant Alexandra from the WASTE HERO project initiated a follow-up activity for the project. The activity’s primary purpose was to spread…
In September, one of your team members made a short presentation about your organization, who we are, what we are doing, what topics we are working…
Welcome to the Up 2 You(th)! Focus Group report from Slovakia. Here, we delve into the engaging discussions held with enthusiastic high school students, the…
In a world that’s rapidly evolving, understanding youth perspectives is essential. As part of our commitment to boosting youth engagement and fostering active citizenship, we…
Školenie „Beyond the limits“ sa uskutočnilo 8 – 17. augusta na Slovensku. Jeho cieľom bolo rozvíjať vodcovské schopnosti pracovníkov s mládežou, sociálnych pracovníkov a mládežníckych lídrov. Vzdelávacie aktivity…
Školenie „Beyond the limits“ sa uskutočnilo 8 – 17. augusta na Slovensku. Jeho cieľom bolo rozvíjať vodcovské schopnosti pracovníkov s mládežou, sociálnych pracovníkov a mládežníckych lídrov. Vzdelávacie aktivity…