Regional conference Empower No Uznaj!

On the 12th of June 2023, Youthfully Yours SK participated in the regional conference on recognising the benefits of non-formal education and youth work. The conference gathered over 90 critical stakeholders from the field of education and youth work at regional and national levels. Moreover, a couple of guests from foreign countries - e.g. delegates from the Polish National Agency were present. Besides numerous principals of local high schools and municipalities responsible for youth and education agenda, the regional government president Rasťo Trnka took the event under his patronage.

Our task during the conference was to present the initiative The Up 2 You(th)! and its outcomes in Košice's self-governing region. Our vice-chairman and project coordinator, Ivan, took this challenge, presenting the results of the Surveys and Focus groups conducted in the region. Additionally, Ivan shared the results of the Local Workshops that have been currently in process and immediate responses from the participants. After the presentation, a brief discussion followed with the participants about the effectiveness of the local workshops in addressing identified problems in the community.

Besides Ivan presenting The Up 2 You(th)! , our team used the opportunity and familiarised the audience with other initiatives YYSK has been running. Ema presented KA3 initiative VISYON, which helps young people to communicate their visions on European youth goals. Alexandra presented the Youth Exchange Waste hero that we organised in the summer of 2022, together with the potential of youth exchange activities for local young people eager to make a change in the community.
Check some photos from the event here!
Check the Final Publication now!

The Project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 2020-2-SK02-KA205-002569