Aktivity dobrovoľníčky Zuzky – December:
Pripravili sme si pre vás ochutnávku jednej z činností našej dobrovoľníčky počas jej projektu Europského zboru solidarity. Prevedieme vás edukačným blogom, ktorý vytvára počas svojho pôsobenia v Španielsku.
Materiály pre skupinu Kids Fun:
Ho, ho, ho! ? Christmas is almost here and that is the reason why we decided to get into the Christmas spirit even in Molí de Baix! Kids had an opportunity to make their own snowman from rice cakes, using a piece of mandarin as nose and chocolate pieces to design eyes and mouth. Here are some pictures of how we were doing:

Besides, while making their unique snowman, each one of them could choose one Christmas motive – Santa, a snowman, or a reindeer as a design for their face painting.

In addition, we dedicated some time to crafting – more precisely we made Lollipop Photo Ornament, where we put the picture of a kid with Santa hat and which can be used as a perfect Christmas decoration.

Last but not least, I would like to add a link to listen a Che Che Koolay Giraffe Song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZrnE0XRMNqg; and also a webpage where they can play funny games with a Christmas topic https://www.santasnorthpole.com – for example, they can write a letter to Santa or make a cookie for Santa.

Hope you enjoy our suggested activities and you can even try to play with your kid to get back in time and be this little kid you used to be before and make your own list for Santa. We would be more than glad if you posted what you had done to our comments below.
Thank you for all your attention. Have a lovely day and see you soon!