Aktivity dobrovoľníčky Zuzky
Materiály pre skupinu Ludo Kids – Január:
Pripravili sme si pre vás ochutnávku jednej z činností našej dobrovoľníčky počas jej projektu Europského zboru solidarity. Prevedieme vás edukačným blogom, ktorý vytvára počas svojho pôsobenia v Španielsku.
To have another language is to possess a second soul.
Hello! Another year has gone by and a new year awaits us. First of all, we would like to wish you Happy New Year! I hope you will always remember all the great memories we created during the year 2019, and craving for even more unforgettable memories to come throughout the year 2020.
As before, even now we start with our welcome routine including Let’s Shake Hands! song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHmsE1mnhgg

These months we will be focusing on continents – especially we are travelling to… AFRICA!

You can find attached pictures of our activities:

In addition, here you can find our new We had fun! goodbye song. You can listen to it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ThTdRwN14YQ

Lastly, here is the link to Shakira – Waka Waka song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pRpeEdMmmQ0

Thank you for your time and effort! See you soon!
Článok prevzatý z blogu vytoreného našou dobrovoľníčkou Zuzkou: https://molidebaixenglish.home.blog/2020/01/16/ludo-kids-january/