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Aktivity dobrovoľníčky Zuzky

Pripravili sme si pre vás ochutnávku jednej z činností našej dobrovoľníčky počas jej projektu Europského zboru solidarity. Prevedieme vás edukačným blogom, ktorý vytvára počas svojho pôsobenia v Španielsku.

Materiály pre skupinu Kids Fun – Máj:

Hello everyone!! Hope you are doing well!! We really miss you and we hope to get some new pictures and videos from you soon! Are you ready for the nineteenth MOLÍ AT HOME challenge?

Today we suggest you to become an original superhero!! Create a costume and a mask and tell us what your superpower is! Come on! We’re dying to get some new pictures from you!!

Enjoy this challenge and don’t forget to send us a photo!

Let’s make a friendly DINO! Ask your parents to help you! Follow the instructions below:

Or would you rather turn the egg carton into something fun? Hope you enjoyed Nature Scavengerhunt lately! Based on that -> check out these 21 adorable egg cartons uses and choose the one you love the most!

Let’s all sing together! Choose your favorite song from the video below! Let us know which one do you like the most! Spock-a Doodle, Chicken Noodle – Funny Songs For Kids – HeyKids:

If you want to prepare something special what about making Unicorn Galaxy Yogurt Bark? You can find all the instructions here:

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By the way, we have already posted some pictures from last weeks’ challenges on our blog! Check it!

Have fun! See you soon!

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